Curling Etiquette

Curling Etiquette
  • Curling

    Good etiquette is important to our enjoyment of the game.  Failure to observe these points can at best be irritating to others and at worst, lead to ill-feeling.

    If you are unable to play, inform your skip well in advance and do your best to find a substitute.  Be on the ice promptly having shaken hands and decided playing order before the bell rings.

    ·         Keep the ice clean. Sand, grit and dirt are the worst enemy of the ice. Keep shoes and brushes clean.

    ·         Keep the game moving. Take your position in the hack as soon as your opponent has delivered the stone.

    ·         After delivering your stone, if your knee or hand is on the ice, do not linger admiring your shot, but get up quickly as you will melt the ice and leave a dent.

    ·         Only the skip and third should be behind the house when the opposing team is playing.

    ·         When one skip is giving ice in the house, the other skip should stand still at the back of the sheet with the brush out of sight behind the back.

    ·         Don’t distract your opponent in the hack. Stand still at the side of the sheet, single file, between the hog line courtesy marks. 

    ·         Sweepers should walk back promptly to the hack end as close as possible to the side of the sheet, and never two abreast.  The opposition player in the hack is entitled to a clear view down the ice to the skip.

    ·         Never cross the ice in front of a running stone, or in front of player preparing to play.

    ·         Behind the tee line, a team has first privilege of sweeping its own stone, but it must not obstruct or prevent the opposition from sweeping.

    ·         Congratulate the other team if they make a good shot – and by all means congratulate your team too!

    ·         Leads should place the skip’s stone in front of the hack to help speed up the game.

    ·         Only thirds can discuss and agree the score and should be the only ones in the house at that time. Players should stand behind the back line or beyond the hog line.

    ·         Any complaints should be communicated to the opposing team via your skip.  Do not address an opposition player directly on such matters.

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